
“We’re going to make it happen. As God is my bloody witness, I’m hell-bent on making it work.” — Elon Musk

There’s no wonder why confidence is highly sought after in today’s business world. Although confidence can mean different things to different people–self-belief, preparedness, taking ownership of your unique quirks and personality traits–having an ample supply of it generally leads to some very good outcomes: increased self-esteem, positive thinking, and success.

Sometimes huge success.

But building confidence may take some work on your part. To gain it, you may have to go through much trial and error, a shift in perspective, and a multitude of experiences. In the big picture, all this is a small price to pay for a potentially tremendous payoff.

1. Love your full name.

Susie Moore is a is a former Silicon Valley sales director turned life coach and advice columnist who writes about confidence. Says Susie,

The first female CEO I ever worked for taught me something that I’ve never forgotten. When you introduce yourself–in any setting–use your first name and last name to accompany your (firm) handshake. It’s not “Hey, I’m Susie.” it’s “Hi, I’m Susie Moore.” Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself in full.

As Susie explains, “Trust me on this one. It’ll feel weird at first, but it’s assertive and empowering. You’ll start noticing people standing straighter for you.”

Source: Inc.

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