Randy Samsel
Title & Firm
CEO at eSearch Talent Solutions
Industry Keywords

Executive Search, Talent Strategy, Organizational Design, Talent Optimization

Location (City/State)
Brecksville, Ohio
Phone Number
216.548.0740 (Work)
Bonnie Timms Hagemann
Title & Firm
CEO at Executive Development Associates
Industry Keywords

CEO Coaching and Leadership Strategy Advising, Custom Executive Development, High-potential Development programs, C-Suite and Executive Coaching, Executive Assessment, Succession & Outplacement, http://www.executivedevelopment.com/

Location (City/State)
Kansas City, Missouri
Phone Number
Nikita Mathew
Title & Firm
IT Recruiter at Société Générale
Industry Keywords


Location (City/State)
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Phone Number
No phone #
Danika Melia
Title & Firm
Consultant at Becker-Wright Consultants
Industry Keywords

Real Estate and Development, Construction and Facilities, Design and Architecture, Healthcare, IT, Telecommunications, Sales and Marketing, Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Software), Oil and Gas/Energy, Operations, Startups and SMBs, Manufacturing, Civil, Architectural, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, Human Capital Management, Saas Sales Professionals, Industrial Automation.

Location (City/State)
Austin, Texas
Eric Shott
Title & Firm
Executive Search Consultant at The McCormick Group, Inc.
Industry Keywords

Government contracting, technology, government sales, contracting, corporate executive, business development, government contractor

Location (City/State)
Washington D.C., Virginia
Phone Number
Francoise Jung
Title & Firm
Partner at Capitus Associates
Industry Keywords

Executive Search and Financial Services

Location (City/State)
New York City, New York
Phone Number
(646) 092-9036 (Company)
Ron Simpson
Title & Firm
Search Partner at Hire Search Group
Industry Keywords

Public Accounting, Accounting /Finance/CFO/ Controllership, Senior Level Marketing / Sales / MARCOM, Advertising, Operational Management, Technology (Software and Hardware), Legal, Architecturial / Construction (AIA)

Location (City/State)
Los Angeles, California
Phone Number
No phone #
Taija Pupillo
Title & Firm
Principal at Allen Austin / Gaines International
Industry Keywords

Executive recruiting, mid to senior level, architecture, interiors, engineering, construction, real estate

Location (City/State)
Chicago, Illinois
Phone Number
Jayson Denise
Title & Firm
Senior Corporate Recruiter at Vroom
Industry Keywords

Automotive, ecommerce

Location (City/State)
New York City, New York
Phone Number
203-482-8419 (Mobile)
Paul Weintraub
Title & Firm
Professional Recruiter at Aon
Industry Keywords

Financial services

Location (City/State)
Princeton, New Jersey
Phone Number
No phone #
Kurtis Manwarring
Title & Firm
Executive Recruiter at Parker and Lynch
Industry Keywords

Executive search, accounting and finance, risk managment, investments, financial risk

Location (City/State)
New York City, New York
Phone Number
(212) 292-3795
Kelsey Tibbetts
Title & Firm
Senior Business Recruiter at Dropbox
Industry Keywords

Cloud storage

Location (City/State)
San Francisco, California
Phone Number
No phone #
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Karan Bhargava
Title & Firm
University Program Recruiting Manager at Google
Industry Keywords

Internet search, software engineering

Location (City/State)
Mountain View, California
Phone Number
No phone #
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Ken Ross
Title & Firm
Managing Director at Ken Ross Search
Industry Keywords

IT, engineering, business development, life sciences, recruiters, healthcare, creative, accounting and finance, sales, attorneys

Location (City/State)
New York City, New York
Phone Number
No phone #
Diego Martinez
Title & Firm
Vice President of Recruitment at Social Capital Resources
Industry Keywords

Financial Services, Asset Managers, Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, Wealth Managers/Family Offices, Real Estate, Private Equity.

Location (City/State)
New York City, New York
Phone Number
No phone #