Sid Clark
Title & Firm
Independent LinkedIn Trainer and Coach at Sid Clark, Consultant
Industry Keywords

LinkedIn coaching, LinkedIn training, writing, editing,

Location (City/State)
Orange County, California
Phone Number
Brenda Meller
Title & Firm
I Help Salespeople Unlock the Power of LinkedIn | LinkedIn Strategy | Chief Engagement Officer (CEO) at Meller Marketing
Industry Keywords

LinkedIn strategy, marketing consulting,

Location (City/State)
Detroit, Michigan
Phone Number
No phone #
Catherine Mattice Zundel
Title & Firm
Consultant, Trainer, Coach, Keynote Speaker at Civility Partners
Industry Keywords

HR Consulting, Management Consulting, Executive Coaching, Training, Corporate Training, Business Consulting, Strategic Planning, Leadership Development, Change Management, Human Resources,

Location (City/State)
La Mesa, California
Phone Number
(619) 268-5055 (Company)
Mark Babbitt
Title & Firm
President at WorqIQ
Industry Keywords

Executive coaching, career coaching,

Location (City/State)
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Phone Number
No phone #
Victoria McLean
Title & Firm
CEO at City CV Ltd
Industry Keywords

CV Writing, Résumé Writing, LinkedIn Profile Writing, Job Interview Coaching, Career Coaching, Executive Coaching, Outplacement Services,

Location (City/State)
London, England, United Kingdom
Phone Number
(+)44 (0)20 7100 6656
Heather Backstrom
Title & Firm
Owner at Backstrom Leadership Strategies
Industry Keywords

Executive coaching, leadership development, team development, workshop design and delivery, teaching, speaking,

Location (City/State)
Los Angeles, California
Phone Number
Michelle Marto
Title & Firm
Founder, Executive Performance Coach & Keynote Speaker at Lift Your Life Coaching, LLC
Industry Keywords

Executive performance coaching, life coaching,

Location (City/State)
Atlanta, Georgia
Phone Number
Catherine Byers Breet
Title & Firm
Chief Stripe Changer, President and Founder at
Industry Keywords

Career coaching, consulting, job search education,

Location (City/State)
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Phone Number
Gina Furano
Title & Firm
Career & College Consultant at
Industry Keywords

Career consulting, resume writing, interview preparation, branding,

Location (City/State)
Stamford, Connecticut
Phone Number
203-667-8176 (Mobile)
Emily Marquis
Title & Firm
Certified Career Coach at Progression Partner, LLC
Industry Keywords

Career coaching, career transitions, life transitions, resume writer, cover letter, LinkedIn, interviewing, job search navigation, promotions, difficult conversations,

Location (City/State)
United States
Phone Number
No phone #
Sultan Camp
Title & Firm
Veterans & Military Spouse Programs | Strategic Relationships | Diversity & Inclusion at Newport News Shipbuilding, A Division of Huntington Ingalls Industries
Industry Keywords

Executive coaching, military and veterans

Location (City/State)
Suffolk, Virginia
Phone Number
Gina Riley
Title & Firm
CAREER TRANSITION COACH at Gina Riley Consulting
Industry Keywords

Career Development Coaching, Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Resume Writing, Interview Preparation,

Location (City/State)
Portland, Oregon
Phone Number
No phone #
Shelley Piedmont
Title & Firm
Career and Job Search Coach at Career GPS, LLC
Industry Keywords

Resume Preparation, Resume Review, Cover Letter Development, Interview Preparation, LinkedIn Profile Optimization, Career Coaching,

Location (City/State)
Charleston, South Carolina
Phone Number
No phone #
Christi Hegstad
Title & Firm
Professional Certified Coach, Speaker, Author at MAP Professional Development Inc.
Industry Keywords

Career coaching, executive coaching, corporate training,

Location (City/State)
Des Moines, Iowa
Phone Number
(515) 490-0604
Angus Grady
Title & Firm
LinkedIn Unlocker at LEADS ►Linkedin Expertise Advice Direction Support LinkedIn Trainer, LinkedIn Expert
Industry Keywords

LinkedIn trainer, business growth

Location (City/State)
Berkhamsted, England, United Kingdom
Phone Number
No phone #
Keith Lawrence Miller
Title & Firm
Executive Resume Writer, LinkedIn Profile Writer, Business Psychology Practitioner, Career Coach at Ivy League Resumes
Industry Keywords

Interview Preparation, Executive Coaching, Resume Writing, Career Development Coaching, Management Consulting, Writing, Editing,

Location (City/State)
New York City, New York
Phone Number
No phone #
Jess Smith
Title & Firm
Career Coach + Job Search Cheerleader at Jess Smith Coaching
Industry Keywords

Career Development Coaching, Interview Preparation, Resume Writing, Resume Review, Life Coaching, Leadership Development,

Location (City/State)
San Francisco, California
Phone Number
No phone #
Lee Elms
Title & Firm
Professional CV Writer, LinkedIn Writer & Career Coach at Freelance CV Writer & Career Coach
Industry Keywords

Career coaching, CV writing, LinkedIn writing

Location (City/State)
London, England, United Kingdom
Phone Number
(+) 44 (0) 78 0089 5666
Stacy Harshman
Title & Firm
Owner at Your Fulfilling Life Career Coaching
Industry Keywords

Interview Preparation, Career Development Coaching,

Location (City/State)
Eagle, Idaho
Phone Number
208.424.9191 (Work)
Mark Gasche
Title & Firm
Founder and Career Coach at North Shore Career Management
Industry Keywords

Career Development Coaching, Resume Writing, Interview Preparation, Executive Coaching, Career Transition, Salary Negotiation, Behavioral Interviewing, Cover Letters, LinkedIn Profiles, branding,

Location (City/State)
Lake Forest, Illinois
Phone Number
No phone #
Ochuko Dasimaka
Title & Firm
Executive Resume Writer, Career Coach & Speaker at Career Heights Consulting Inc
Industry Keywords

Career coaching, executive resume writing, career development, resume writing, interview strategies, employee engagement, leadership development, strategic business partnering, employee relations,

Location (City/State)
Houston, Texas
Phone Number
(+)1 (713) 647 2511
Ashley Stahl
Title & Firm
Career Coach at Ashley International, Inc.
Industry Keywords

Career coaching, free online trainings,

Location (City/State)
Los Angeles, California
Phone Number
No phone #
Curtis Songer
Title & Firm
Career Planning, Life Planning & Professional Development Coach at Truth@Life
Industry Keywords

Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Career Development Coaching, Interview Preparation, Life Coaching, Resume Writing,

Location (City/State)
Wexford, Pennsylvania
Phone Number
Christine Cristiano
Title & Firm
Certified Career Strategist, Career Coach, Resume~LinkedIn Writer, Entrepreneurial Coach at Ideal Career Services
Industry Keywords

Resume writing, career coaching, interview preparation, networking, LinkedIn profile writing, business coaching,

Location (City/State)
Toronto, Canada
Phone Number
(+)1 647-361-9916
Lusia Moskvicheva
Title & Firm
Career Coach at GetFive
Industry Keywords

Business Coaching, Leadership Development, Successful Career Planning and Growth Strategy, Career Transition Management, Goal setting and Searching for Meaning and Purpose, Happy Life Strategies, Group Dynamics, Effective Communication, High Potential Talent Development Training, Change Management, Effective Communication, Emotional Intelligence at Work,

Location (City/State)
New York City, New York
Phone Number
No phone #