
Fewer than two in 10 European employees feel engaged at work, workplace data from management consultancy and advisory firm Gallup suggests – lower than any part of the world.

Gallup’s 2022 State of the Global Workplace Report found that engagement amongst European workers sits at just 14%, compared to 33% in North America and 21% worldwide.

It also found that stress amongst professionals globally has “reached an all-time high” – higher even than 2020 – with Gallup commenting that “the world is closer to colonizing Mars than it is to fixing the world’s broken workplaces.”

Gallup identified unfair treatment at work as the leading source of employee disengagement, followed by an unmanageable workload, unclear communication from managers, lack of manager support, and unreasonable time pressures.

The root of this disengagement lies with leaders, who must focus on “making work more rewarding and more meaningful for their people” by prioritizing employee wellbeing and engagement, said Gallup.

A manager’s impact on their workplace is so strong that Gallup predicted 70% of team management metrics just by interviewing their boss, providing a clear incentive for companies to evaluate their management, culture, and leadership style.

“Managers need to be better listeners, coaches and collaborators. Great managers help colleagues learn and grow, recognize their colleagues for doing great work, and make them truly feel cared about. In environments like this, workers thrive,” said Gallup.

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