Andrea Rishmawi
Title & Firm
Partner (Senior Executive Recruiter) at TEEMA Solutions Group Inc
Industry Keywords

Software Engineers, Product Managers, Marketing Managers

Location (City/State)
New York, New York
Phone Number
646.838.3737 (Work)
Steven Lockett
Title & Firm
Corporate Recruiter at Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Industry Keywords


Location (City/State)
New York, New York
Phone Number
No phone #
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Taylor Crowley
Title & Firm
Recruiter at Spotify
Industry Keywords

Marketing & content

Location (City/State)
New York, New York
Phone Number
No phone #
Kristina Pflüg
Title & Firm
Recruiter at Airbnb
Industry Keywords

Product Management, Engineering, Technology

Location (City/State)
New York, New York
Phone Number
No phone #
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Heather (Fowler) B.
Title & Firm
Recruiter at Facebook
Industry Keywords

Social Media, IT, Technology, Finance

Location (City/State)
Washington, DC
Phone Number
650-804-3464 (Mobile)
Joanne Lin
Title & Firm
Recruiter at DoorDash
Industry Keywords

Internet, technology and logistics

Location (City/State)
New York, New York
Phone Number
No phone #
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Mathilde Hanonik
Title & Firm
Executive Search Recruiter at Google
Industry Keywords

Banks and FinTechs

Location (City/State)
New York, New York
Phone Number
No phone #
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(212) 997-5061