
If the year was 2019, I’d be exhorting you to keep searching for a new job and jockeying for a raise and promotion. The world was so different back then. Circumstances today have drastically changed, so we need to deviate from the former standards of advice.

Yes, you should keep up the job search and do everything you can to get noticed, earn a raise, promotion and bonus. However, for many people, this holiday season, I’d suggest something a little different. Remain focused on your goals, but also take care of yourself and the people around you.

Take care of yourself

The last nine months, to put it mildly, have been brutal. Fear, stress and anxiety have been at a fever pitch. There’s been an unrelenting amount of problems that you have had to deal with. The holiday season could be your own personal time to pull back and make sure you’re emotionally, mentally and spiritually in a good—or at least reasonable—place.

Start to decompress. Find some hobbies or activities to take your mind off of work or your job search. Forget about politics and stop watching the Covid-19 casualty count on cable news shows. Try meditating, doing yoga or going for a run or bike ride. Get back in touch with family and friends you haven’t seen in a long while. Genuinely interact with your kids, spouse or partner. Ask them how they’re doing, then actively listen.

Find someone that you can openly communicate with. This person should be nonjudgemental and unconditionally supportive. With the world the way it is, you need someone to open up to and share what you’re really going through. It’s a huge weight off of your chest when you can freely discuss the challenges and anxieties you’re facing.

What successful people do

Successful people aren’t concerned with constructive criticism and are self-aware of their flaws. Engage in some self-introspection. Think deeply about whether or not you are happy and satisfied with your life. Consider what you want to do next. Maybe you want to lose five pounds or become more optimistic and positive. Perhaps, you’ll feel better about yourself if you start treating people like you’d want to be treated, give to charity and work toward becoming the person that you know could be.

Give thanks to all of the wonderful things that you have in your life. Show appreciation to the ones you love. Express gratitude for everything good that’s happened to you. Forgive, forget and let go of all the past indignities.

Start the new year with a clean slate. Your past shouldn’t define your future. Forgive and forget any past feuds. Carrying around the heavy baggage of prior injustices and perceived slights will ultimately weigh you down. Instead, come to terms and make peace with everyone.

Clear your mind

Cast aside all of your negative thoughts and develop a fresh, new perspective. Altering your mindset will change your career and life. A positive proactive attitude will help you advance. People will notice, feel your new frequency and see you in a more attractive light. People gravitate toward those who are uplifting and positive. Opportunities will become more available, as others want to partner with and be around you. You’ll see the difference when you interview and your boss will sense the new you.

Plan for the future you want and deserve

It’s understandable, in light of all of the frightening news surrounding us, that you want to withdraw, keep your head low, go through the motions and get the day over with. Deep down, you know you want to do something new, as you believe you were destined for a different life.

Think of why you’re holding yourself back from what you desire. Explore why you’ve been so self-critical and scared of taking chances with your career and life. This is the right time for a change. One of the advantages of the pandemic is that it has freed people from conventional norms. Now is a time for reinvention.

As we are all too well aware of the fragility of life, people have started critically thinking of what they’re currently doing and if they want to continue this for the next 10 or 20-plus years. Life is short and tenuous, so you might as well make the best of it. Stop ruminating over all of the bad stuff and start looking forward to leading the life you desire.

Be bold and start

Time flies by so quickly. List the goals of what you want to accomplish in 2021. After this year ends, the mood of the country and world will change. We’ll be hopeful. Vaccines will be available and distributed. The door of last year will be slammed shut behind us.

Put the past in the past. Plan for your future. Write down your goals and have a system in place to achieve them. When you write them down, it becomes real. Tell people about what you expect to accomplish. This will hold you accountable. There will be plenty of distractions and negative people, which can—if you let it—knock you off your course.

Only you can effect change for yourself. You can’t depend upon anyone else to hold your hand and guide you to your goal. It’s time that you’re the hero of your own story. It’s up to you to make something happen. Instead of procrastinating and waiting for the perfect time, start now! Be brave and bold. If you don’t get that job, try for another one. Keep moving forward in the face of adversity with steely determination and optimism. According to science, an object in motion stays in motion. It’s similar in life. Your positive energy propels you forward and attracts people and opportunities to you.

Source: Forbes

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