
LinkedIn is the go-to social media site for career-oriented professionals. The company announced in a corporate blog post that it has “re-imagined how you can bring your professional story to life on LinkedIn.” The job search site is introducing new “tools to help you create a more expressive and inclusive profile,” including offering a video cover story. This tool will enable users on the site to personalize their “hello,” which is a way to tell your story to recruiters, hiring managers and people in and out of your network.

According to LinkedIn, “For job seekers, a cover story is a great way to introduce yourself to hiring managers by sharing your career goals, providing a peek at your personality and showcasing your communication skills.” The platform points to a recent U.S. survey citing “nearly 80% (76%) of hiring managers believe seeing a pre-recorded video of a job seeker would be useful.”

This new feature opens up a debate. Some say that the new video option will help people stand out. Others claim that the videos could hurt the chances of candidates due to biases and discrimination. To gain a feel for how career experts see the possibilities of cover story videos, I spoke to a number of professionals who are very active on the site.

On the widely listened-to “Dr. Dawn on Careers” SiriusXM radio show, Dawn Graham, Ph.D. talked about LinkedIn’s new video feature last Thursday. Graham is the career director for the executive MBA program at the Wharton School of Business, a licensed psychologist and author of  Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success. Graham says she “loves LinkedIn’s continued commitment to innovation” and the new cover story tool is “a great example of that.” She says that the short personal videos “give people an opportunity to jump off the paper to share a different side of themselves with customers or recruiters.” The psychologist and radio host recognizes the positives of enabling job seekers and people who want to advance their careers to directly tell their story, but also believes that  there could also be a downside. “While I can certainly see the benefit of this new feature for hiring managers, as with any new solution that relates to the hiring process, I worry about the potential bias that may arise for candidates.”

Dorothy Dalton is an experienced international talent management consultant, certified career coach and trainer. She is an avid proponent of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Dalton says, “LinkedIn cover story is a double-edged sword.” She continued, “If done well, they can certainly be helpful to assess skills for certain functions. But even competent candidates make poor videos and I have seen some shockers.”

Dalton shares her concerns, “Cover stories, like any other first visual impression, will certainly trigger a whole host of biases in the viewer, such as affinity, confirmation, age, race, gender, beauty, accent, voice and background,” among others.

“Unless the recruiter has had awareness training around unconscious biases and understands the need to manage them—and according to my research 46% haven’t—it could result in many excellent candidates being cut or entirely overlooked.” She added, “The hiring process already favors the confident extrovert, so extreme care will be needed.”

There is the chance that the videos could slide into some unintended places. Dalton said, “The key question will be do you want a candidate who can bash out zany TikTok-style one-liners to a camera—or have the skills to do the job?”

Kevin D. Turner is a personal and organizational brand strategist, offering personalized marketing campaigns that may include résumé and LinkedIn advisory services and career coaching. Turner sees this new feature as an excellent opportunity for people to define their “brand” value they bring to the table that gets them to their goals.

These short video clips can positively help define a person as an innovator, especially early adopters. It shows that you are “comfortable with new technologies, embrace the latest features and are excited to be on the forefront of new developments.”

In the fight against ageism, both old and young, cover stories could also serve to dispel some preconceived biases. Older workers could quickly challenge the bias notions about seasoned workers’ abilities to be on the cutting edge, exhibit energy and embrace change. Younger workers could feature a maturity, commitment to their career or leadership presence.

Turner strongly suggests that LinkedIn members seek professional help in all stages of this production—from scripting the message to shooting a top-notch, high-quality video with great sound and lighting. This feature will become your “first impression,” working for you or against you, so it shouldn’t be a slapdash thing. “You have to put in the time and effort,” he says. “The production value has to be of high quality.” The imagery and content you offer must match the industry and position you target. “Think of it as a 20-second commercial,” Turner advises. Your mission is to capture the attention of your audience, solve their needs and compel them to want to learn more about you. Show them, with your cover story, the value you bring to the table.

Sonal Bahl is a “Top 25 Career Coach” on LinkedIn and the creator and host of How I Got Hired podcast and “SuperCharge” YouTube channel. Bahl believes that the video “offers you a way to stand out” and gives you a “competitive edge.” As a realist, she acknowledges that sometimes in life and work, “the package may be more important than what’s inside.” People make judgements on how a résumé, LinkedIn profile or photo looks. The same will hold true for videos. This is why it’s mission critical to have a strong video, which represents who you are and why people should want to know you.

The video could “humanize you.” Instead of just words on a résumé, a decision maker who views the video could gain a good sense of who you are as a person. While some may claim that they are an introvert or uncomfortable with this new feature, Bahl predicts, “This tool is the future, and you need to keep up. There really isn’t much of a choice.” Technology is quickly moving forward and continually changing.

To stay relevant and ahead of the curve, it’s necessary to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and embrace the changes. Using a fashion reference, Bahl states, “Videos are the new black.”

Lisa Rangel, a recruiter-endorsed executive résumé writer and LinkedIn profile writer, says, “I like the video cover story personally, but I think there is a possibility of causing a divide between those who naturally perform well in front of a camera and those who aren’t so inclined.” Rangel sees the positives and negatives with the video concept, “If the job needs someone to do well in front of the camera, then it’s a great first interview screening indeed. But if the video presence isn’t a required skill to do well in a job, it could cause a problem in hiring the best candidate for certain roles.” She added, “It’s something for recruiters to think about for each hiring process.”

Recruiters may find this feature helpful and a true timesaver. Instead of having to set up a Zoom interview, talent acquisition professionals could easily watch the short video clip to gain insights on the vibe of a person. In addition to the criteria companies put forth on job descriptions, hiring managers also look for soft skills, such as personality, enthusiasm, motivation, charisma and the ability to communicate well with others. For instance, if a person’s possesses the required work experience, coupled with the right type of chemistry for the corporate culture, a recruiter would quickly contact the person and share the relevant job opportunity with them.

We’ll soon find out how this new feature will be received once it’s rolled out to LinkedIn’s over 700 million members.

Source: Forbes

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