
You may feel that it’s time for a career change. One of the reasons for the Great Resignation is that people had time during the pandemic to reexamine their work lives. Staying stuck at home for two years gave people a lot of time for introspection and to seriously think about what they are doing with their lives. Existential questions arose, such as, “Am I happy? Is this all there is? Can I keep doing the same old thing for another 10 years?”

More than 4 million Americans have quit their jobs on a nearly monthly basis. The reasons for leaving included the desire for a position that offers more meaning and purpose, getting away from a toxic corporate culture, seeking out better pay and gaining respect. Some people were open to radical change.

Up until only a few months ago, people could switch jobs without any major concerns about blowback. If the role didn’t work out as promised, it would be annoying, but you were able to secure something else quickly. This luxury no longer exists. With the economic downturn, companies have aggressively downsized and curtailed new hires. You now must be more circumspect before you consider jumping ship.

Starting The Process Of Reinventing Yourself

Maybe you came to the conclusion that you don’t want to be a tax accountant or attorney anymore. Grinding out another 10 years to make partner at the accounting or law firm doesn’t seem like an appealing option. You’ve seen loved ones get sick and succumb to the virus outbreak, and conclude that life is too short to keep doing something that you’re not passionate about, even if it pays well.

The challenge is that you’re stuck. Accustomed to a sizable salary and social status, making a big career pivot or reinvention seems daunting. Most people will be frightened off and lead lives of quiet desperation, harboring thoughts of one day breaking the mental chains of what’s holding them back.

To alleviate the fear of the unknown, you can start out small. You don’t want to make any rash moves in an uncertain economy and slowing job market.

Two Japanese concepts may help you figure out what to do next and how to grow: ikigai and kaizen.

Begin with seeking a job or career that aligns with your skills and interests and offers an acceptable compensation package. If you possess these attributes, you’ll fall into the flow, enjoy your work and be happy.

A second piece of advice is to work on yourself to get 1% better each day. Combining these two could lead to finding the right job, which will make you happy and successful.


Ikigai is a Japanese concept of finding meaning, value, purpose and self-worth. Think about the skills, talents, educational background and experiences that you possess. What are the things you love to do? Consider what you are best at. Contemplate if the skills and interests serve a practical need that people or businesses want. Lastly, you want to ensure that you will be paid well for your efforts. This boils down to finding something you love to do, you’re good at it, helps fill a need and offers the financial reward you want.

To visualize how finding your ikigai can lead to a successful pivot, think of your favorite professional athlete or musician. When you see them play on the court or on stage, you see and feel that they love what they do. The sports or rockstar is present and completely absorbed in the moment. This is what ikigai can offer to your career. Because you have the right skills for the job, are helping a need and are paid what you’re worth, you’ll be in a state of flow when you work. Time will fly by and you won’t notice since you are so invested in your project. It won’t feel like work because it transcends it and provides meaning and purpose.


It can feel overwhelming to reinvent yourself in a new career. You may need to start all over again. Those with big egos may not be mentally equipped to begin at the bottom and work their way up again. The practice of kaizen may be the solution to this dilemma. Kaizen is the practice of improving by making small, incremental and continuous improvements each and every day. Instead of worrying about how to launch a new career, you will focus on building habits that will compound over time.

We all seek a get-rich-quick scheme, like buying cryptocurrencies and wishing that they rocket to the moon, or losing 50 pounds in only a couple of weeks. Instead of trying to make radical life changes overnight, focus on getting 1% better each and every day. Similar to a bank account, small-scale improvements will compound over the long run. The same holds true with starting something new.

At the beginning, each change will feel inconsequential. However, over time, you’ll start seeing results. When people wonder why wealthy people get richer, it’s the power of compounding their money. The math shows that 1% compounded daily doubles every 72 days.

This concept applies to starting out in a new job or career. You may need to take a number of steps backward, as this is a new area. If you possess the inner strength and drive, you can devote yourself to learning and growing. By being conscientious, asking questions and diligently working, you will see your new career budding and blossoming.

Source: Forbes

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