
The new year is right around the corner. For some Americans, 2023 was challenging, as they had to contend with high inflation and rising costs eating into their paychecks. White-collar professionals face job insecurity due to threats brought on by the ascendancy of artificial intelligence, offshoring jobs to other countries and corporate cost-cutting, which has included numerous rounds of layoffs for companies.

One of the best things about this time of year is the shift in attitude. It’s the season for taking some time off from work, seeing family, taking much-needed trips, or just relaxing and practicing self-care. The holidays can be stressful for others, as you must wrap up all year-end projects while hosting family and friends.

How To Balance Everything

To get off on the right foot, you must start by being organized. Meet with your manager to calibrate the expectations and deliverables required during the holiday season.

Write down a list of priorities. This should include the tasks you’re responsible for, bringing your staff up to date with their work and continuing to loop in your direct supervisor to ensure everyone is on the same page. Planning helps to alleviate any stress and anxiety. Since you will be pulled in different directions, ensure that you have a structure and routine in place so you don’t get off track.

Minimize distractions when working. Turn off notifications, put your phone in another room and try to find a quiet spot to avoid holiday noise or conversations when you need to be productive. Consider listening to focus music and be sure to take breaks intentionally. Schedule microbreaks during work sessions to recharge. Use them to stretch, meditate, take a short walk outside or do an activity you enjoy.

With so many holiday events and tasks, fatigue can easily set in. Counter this by keeping your sleep schedule consistent and trying to get a good night’s sleep.

You must also allow time for self-introspection. Use the slower days this time of year affords you to reflect on your 2023. What goals did you accomplish? What lessons did you learn?

Looking Forward To 2024

To thrive, you must set your intentions for the new year. Establish what your goals are for 2024 and break them into monthly and quarterly benchmarks. Focus on one to three intentions that guide your days. An intention could be a value, desired trait or action pattern.

Define the position or job title you aim to have in 2024. Map the skills and experience you’ll need through courses, projects or volunteering. Take online courses and certifications. Use extra holiday downtime to gain qualifications and high-demand skills for career advancement.

Attend holiday parties or set up video chats over coffee or lunch to build key relationships. Network and connect with colleagues, bosses, clients and industry peers.

To get a headstart, prepare for upcoming projects and priorities in Q1. Sketch out project plans and brainstorm creative direction. Research trends and innovations in your industry by reading trade journals or books and listening to podcasts.

After self-reflection, you may realize that your current job doesn’t fill you with purpose. If you feel like a job switch is in order, update your résumé and LinkedIn profile and audit your digital footprint to ensure you represent yourself respectfully on social media. To position yourself as a thought leader or leading expert in your space, create content by writing blog posts, making short-form videos or starting an industry-focused podcast to get noticed. Reach out to recruiters to learn about new opportunities.

By doing all of these things, you will set an excellent precedent for the new year. The momentum will keep building upon itself, bringing you closer to your professional goals.

Source: Forbes

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