
Some of the best ways to succeed in the workplace are too often viewed in an unflattering  light. When you are advised to network or find a mentor, some people labor under the misconception of walking into a crowded conference room, wearing a sticker with your name on it and shaking hands with strangers who have sweaty palms.

However, in almost all of my interviews with executives, this cohort has shared that having a mentor was one of the most impactful reasons for their success.

While people may immediately think of mentorships as only a senior Baby Boomer sharing their war stories of office politics accumulated from their many decades of working, a lesser-known type of mentorship is “reverse mentoring.” This is a practice in which junior employees advise senior leaders on emerging topics, such as technology and societal and cultural changes.

How Reverse Mentoring Works

Reverse mentoring allows younger employees to share their knowledge and perspectives with more senior colleagues. This bottom-up mentoring model fosters cross-generational knowledge sharing, communication and understanding in the workplace.

“Flipping the traditional mentoring dynamic allows senior executives to learn new and fresh perspectives from more junior colleagues,” said Dan Black, global talent attraction and acquisition leader at management consulting firm EY, in a Zoom video call.

By engaging in reverse mentoring, senior leaders can gain invaluable insights into emerging trends, bridge generational gaps, develop critical digital skills and foster a more inclusive workplace culture that retains diverse talent. The mutual learning experience helps leaders become more adaptive and in touch with their workforce.

Mentorships enable sometimes out-of-touch senior leaders to learn about current trends, new technologies and emerging topics directly from junior digitally-savvy employees. The conversations will better help leaders understand challenges faced by younger employees.

Additionally, a reverse mentorship program can be a great tool for recruiting and retention. “Fostering a sense of connection between generations helps younger employees feel valued and heard, leading to higher engagement and job satisfaction,” Black stated. “Reverse mentoring can also break down hierarchical barriers, creating a more cohesive and collaborative work environment, which all leads to better retention,” he added.

Breaking Down Cultural Barriers

By facilitating knowledge sharing in both directions, reverse mentoring breaks down barriers, giving underserved employees a voice and cultivating an environment of allyship and inclusive behaviors from leadership down. This mutual learning experience is key to embedding diversity and inclusion into an organization’s culture.

“By integrating diverse voices, reverse mentorship ensures more inclusive decision-making processes, reflecting a broader range of experiences and perspectives,” said Black.

The process aids in rooting out unconscious biases and stereotypes by facilitating personal connections and open dialogue between diverse individuals. It gives leaders exposure to challenges faced by employees of under-represented groups that may be overlooked.

The mentorship provides a platform for underserved individuals to have their expertise valued by leadership. There will be an accompanying increased sense of belonging and inclusivity for underrepresented groups. It opens the door for access to leadership development opportunities for high-potential, diverse employees. Additionally, it creates a vibe of encouraging mutual learning, understanding and empathy between different employee groups.

Finding A Mentor

To find a mentor, the first step is to seek out if there is an official mentorship program at your organization. If so, take advantage of the existing structure.

If the company doesn’t provide a mentorship program, express your desire to management by highlighting its mutual benefits. Emphasize how it enables knowledge sharing. “This collaboration can drive innovation and keep the company competitive in a healthy manner. Presenting it as a win-win for both individuals and the organization makes the idea more compelling,” Black advised.

You’ll need to be bold and reach out to someone who you respect, admire and feel you can benefit from their accumulated knowledge.

The executive suggests starting with a 20-minute meeting, which will enable both parties to get comfortable and start a conversation. Establish a structure for how you would like to conduct the mentorship, and make expectations clear. For each interaction, send out an agenda and come prepared.

It may take a couple of tries to find a compatible mentor-mentee pairing. Your initial wishlist may not be feasible, as personalities may not align.

Resistance From Senior Employees

Some senior leaders may be reluctant to be mentored by more junior staff, perceiving it as a threat to their authority or expertise. There could be a reluctance to learn from younger employees due to generational biases or an inflated ego. Overcoming this resistance requires promoting open communication, highlighting the benefits and creating a supportive environment.

Significant differences in communication styles, perspectives and expectations between generations can lead to misunderstandings. Generational gaps in areas like technology fluency or cultural awareness may hinder effective knowledge transfer.

However, training on navigating generational differences, active listening and giving and receiving feedback can help bridge these gaps.

“There is so much power in a multigenerational workforce—focus on commonalities rather than differences. Younger generations often bring fresh ideas and stay updated with the latest trends and technologies, complementing the extensive experience of senior leaders,” stated the talent acquisition leader. “Effectively engaging and empowering different generations requires a nuanced understanding of their core skills and emotional intelligence. Moreover, it demonstrates a commitment to continuous learning and adaptability, benefiting everyone and strengthening the entire team.”

Source: Forbes

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