
Across America, students are gearing up for another school year. Simultaneously, adults are also getting into that same back-to-school mindset. You feel summertime slipping away and the end of three-day weekends, vacations, and a generally slower pace at the office, as your colleagues begin to trickle back into the office.

Now is when it dawns on you: that slow pace of mid-to-late August will soon pick up steam. Once the summer ends and September starts, there’s a tacit acknowledgment that it is time to gear up for the daily grind.

What To Do

To get into the right mindset, think of some positive aspects of returning to the office and seeing your co-workers again. Similarly, if you’ve been working remotely, there have been fewer video calls, and now you can share what you’ve been doing.

While people were out of office, gaining traction on projects and assignments was hard. Now that people are streaming back, it will make your work life easier to get some help.

If you’ve been traveling on vacation and feel a little out of the loop, contact your boss and colleagues for a quick debriefing.

There’s no need to dive into the deep end of the work pool. The abrupt change can be jarring. It may take some time to readjust to the work routine and pace. Set realistic expectations for yourself and be patient with the transition process. Break down the work into small little tasks that you chip away at.

Look at the return as a way to reinvigorate your career. Approach the return as a time to work on your positive mindset and be excited about new initiatives.

Ask your manager to see if the company offers upskilling programs so you can take your career to the next level.

September Is A Good Time To Start Your Job Search

Mid-June to late August is one of the slowest hiring seasons, as people involved in the hiring process are on vacation. Many job hunters put a pause on their search as they’d rather enjoy the lovely summer weather, relax, recharge and wait for the pickup in September.

Start searching for a job right now to get ahead of the crowd. Even if you don’t immediately hear back, your résumé will be on the front burner. Get in touch with recruiters. Pick their brains to gain a sense of how the job market in your space is doing.

Update your résumé and LinkedIn profile. Reach out to people in your network for job leads. Put together an elevator pitch so you can clearly and concisely sell yourself. Roleplay interviewing with others until it becomes second nature.

Throughout much of 2023, there have been significant white-collar layoffs and fewer jobs available, compared to the Great Resignation. Consider looking internally for an opportunity. Speak with your boss and let them know you’d like to grow within the organization.

Source: Forbes

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