
Many people with lots of money have unhappy and radically imbalanced lives.

Real “success” is about continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve, and how you relate.

So why won’t most people be successful?

Why don’t most people evolve?

Evolution requires you to become more focused on those things that matter most. Yet, as Jim Rohn has said, A lot of people don’t do well simply because they major in minor things.”

To be successful, you can’t surround yourself with low-frequency people for long periods of time. You can’t keep eating crappy food just because your spouse or colleague is making those choices.

Your days must consistently be spent on high-quality activities.

Success requires balancing the essential (spiritual, relational, financial, physical) things in your life and removing everything else.

As your vision for yourself expands, you realize you have to make certain adjustments. You need to cut back your spending on crap and entertainment. You have to save more, and invest more in your education and future.

This isn’t about perfection. It’s definitely not about being busy all the time. Actually, true success involves what Tim Ferriss calls “mini-retirements,” or regular sabbaticals.

Every area of your life affects every other area. Hence the saying, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” This is very high-level thinking. It makes sense only for people who have removed distractions from their lives. To actually live this principle, your daily life can only be filled with those things you value deeply.

When your days are filled with only those essentials that mean the world to you – and you’re succeeding in those areas – you dominate in all areas of your life. You are living intentionally and congruently. You have momentum and balance. You’re being who you truly want to be, every day.

To do this not only takes time, but practice.

Saying “No” to great but irrelevant opportunities is hard.

Giving up bad habits is hard.

Changing your belief system and expanding your vision takes courage. It’s so easy to revert back to small and mediocre thinking.

However, as you come closer to living your ideals, amazing things start to happen. You feel happier and more present with those you love. You make better use of your time. You pursue bigger dreams and ambitions, and become more resilient during challenges.

As Jim Rohn alluded to, most people get caught in the thick of thin things. This makes it hard for them to evolve, and that means they don’t reach success.

But you will. You know it, and you can feel it. You’ve already begun. And every day, you’re taking one step closer.

Soon enough, you’ll fully commit to being who you know you can be. Once you pass that point of no return, nothing will stop you.

Source: Inc.

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