
When the job market is blazing hot with abundant opportunities, workers generally feel motivated and engaged. Since they are in high demand, their attitude toward work is positive, believing that they can fast-track their careers and grow within their organizations. Since jobs are plentiful, there is a comfort in knowing that they can easily find a new position at a premium.

However, the current labor market presents challenges for white-collar workers looking to secure a new job or remain employed. Employees fear being put on a performance improvement plan or being laid off due to cost cuts and corporate restructuring.

In this type of environment, it’s understandable for people to feel scared about what will happen next. Concerns are exacerbated when inflation is still running strong and the costs of goods and services are high, which eats into their paycheck and makes people feel as if they are falling behind.

All of the subsequent stress and anxiety result in employees calling out of work due to mental health issues, lack of emotional well-being, disengagement and the loss of enthusiasm about their job.

What Is Absenteeism?

Absenteeism refers to a habitual pattern of unplanned absences from work, which generally exceeds an acceptable amount of truancies. When an employee has been persistently missing in action for a substantial number of days, it is indicative of a potential problem, such as the person has become disengaged from work or is actively looking for a new job.

Absenteeism differs from excused absences, which can be categorized as scheduled leaves, paid time off, vacations or holidays, illness, doctor’s appointments or the occasional unforeseen event, including a disruption to child or eldercare, bereavement or a sudden injury.

In the United States, the rate of absences skyrocketed from 3.2% in 2021 to over 6% in 2022, according to data from wellbeing solutions provider Workplace Options.

The cost of unplanned absenteeism is estimated to exceed a staggering $600 billion a year, with an average cost of $4,080 per full-time employee and $2,040 per part-time worker.

Why Do Workers Become Absentee Employees?

Mental health issues and poor workplace culture, including high job dissatisfaction, are primary drivers for absenteeism.

Mental Health Issues

Workplace stress and pressure can lead to the deterioration of employees’ mental health and emotional wellbeing. The Society of Human Resource Management found that one in three Americans said their mental health is negatively impacted by their jobs. About 30% of the 1,000 workers surveyed reported feeling overwhelmed, and 29% said their jobs make them feel anxious at least once a week.

Unreasonable deadlines, heavy workloads, long hours, toxic work environments and a lack of appreciation, psychological safety, belongingness and financial security all contribute to poor employee wellbeing and high levels of burnout, which result in workers calling out sick.

The World Health Organization reported that an estimated 12 billion work days are lost every year around the globe due to depression and anxiety. 

A Form Of Quiet Quitting

Negative workplace factors exacerbate absenteeism, which becomes a form of protest—or quiet quitting—for employees to retaliate against employers. Since the pandemic, organizations have seen the reversal of employee-centric policies, like flexible work arrangements. Employees have been mandated to return to the office after being afforded the luxury of working from home for the past few years.

The rollback of remote work can feel like a slight to employees who worked around the clock, often blurring the lines between work and home life. They felt the need to log in  extra hours to ensure that they wouldn’t be targeted for a layoff. Despite workers dedicating their lives to their jobs, employees witnessed their co-workers and themselves being rudely let go in cold, harsh, one-way video calls with executives they have never met.

Workers woke up to the realization that their company wasn’t their “family,” after being fed the lie for many years. This has led to recent trends in employee cynicism, eroding trust and drops in employee happiness.

A report by BambooHR found that job satisfaction has declined at a rate 10 times faster than in the previous three years.

When a worker becomes disengaged, they lack a real close connection to their job. These employees then begin to participate in “tit-for-tat” workplace trends, such as quiet quitting, acting your wage and Bare Minimum Mondays. In these instances, workers give no consideration to their employers after realizing that their companies don’t care about them. This may include regularly calling out of work without advanced notice.

How Employers Can Address Absenteeism

It is critical for leaders to recognize the patterns of absenteeism. By addressing these signs early on, managers can help identify and resolve the root causes, or otherwise take disciplinary action against the employee for lost productivity.

A worker may be struggling with absenteeism if they have repeated unplanned absences or call in sick frequently, especially on Mondays or Fridays. They will often do a no-call, no-show, where they fail to notify their supervisor of their absence.

Absenteeism can also arise when employees are away from their workstations for long periods or are tardy for work.

Tips For Preventing Workplace Absenteeism

Management should proactively seek insights from workers to uncover the underlying drivers of absenteeism within the organization. This can be accomplished through anonymous microsurveys or direct feedback, allowing employees to candidly express their perspectives without fear of repercussions.

Monitor wellbeing and thoroughly examine absenteeism data to identify any notable trends or recurring patterns. Scrutinize whether specific departments, job functions or particular times of the year experience elevated levels of employee absences. This analysis can shed light on potential contributing factors and enable targeted interventions.

Cultivate an organizational culture that promotes open and transparent communication regarding health and personal matters. Actively encourage employees to feel at ease when discussing the reasons behind their absences, without the apprehension of facing adverse consequences or backlash.

Implement policies that allow for flexible work arrangements, such as adjustable schedules or the option to work remotely when needed. This flexibility empowers employees to effectively navigate personal circumstances without needing to take time off.

Offer staff access to professional counseling services, mental health days and stress management workshops to foster a supportive environment that destigmatizes mental health concerns.

Promote physical health by implementing initiatives, such as fitness programs, health screenings and safety training. These proactive measures not only contribute to the overall well-being of employees, but also cultivate a culture that values their holistic health and safety.

Regularly assess and ensure that employee workloads are reasonable and manageable. If necessary, redistribute tasks or reallocate responsibilities to prevent burnout.

Actively encourage employees to prioritize their well-being by taking regular breaks throughout the workday and utilizing their allotted vacation days.

Implement recognition programs that employees feel seen, valued and appreciated for their hard work.

Source: Forbes

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