When answering this question, you can start by saying, “Thank you for inviting me to interview for the (insert the title of the position) role. I’m excited to be considered for the opportunity. I’ve admired your organization for years and would love to work here.”

You need to follow up with specific reasons why you want to work at the organization. This will demonstrate that you’ve done your homework and possess much knowledge about the company, its management team, financial situation, products, services and rankings compared to other companies in the same space.

Provide details about why the job is important to you. Do this by making sure that your experiences match up with the job description. Provide color on your current responsibilities at your firm that will seamlessly transfer over. Share tasks, projects and big wins from your job and prior roles.

Since you are seeking a new opportunity, you will understandably need room to grow and develop. It’s okay to say, “My experiences, responsibilities, talents and prior background are tailor-made for the job. I am confident that I can hit the ground running, add value to the organization and help you with the workload. The position is a perfect fit. Additionally, according to the job advertisement, there are new things that I could be involved with, which will help me get to the next level. Unfortunately, they are downsizing at my firm, and there may not be a path forward.”