
Remote workers in the United States are receiving fewer promotions and raises compared to their in-office counterparts. The Wall Street Journal reported people working from home got promoted 31% less frequently in the past year than office-based workers, according to an analysis by job change and human capital insights provider Live Data Technologies. The research also found that these workers are less likely to receive mentorship, especially women. Nearly 90% of CEOs reported they are more likely to prioritize in-office employees for career-advancing projects, raises or promotions.

A 2021 study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that supervisors held “negative perceptions” of the work-from-home trend. Nearly 70% of managers said that remote workers were “more easily replaceable than onsite workers.” About 62% believed that full-time remote work is harmful to employees’ career objectives and 72% said they would prefer their staff to be working in the office. Moreover, 42% of supervisors said they would sometimes forget about remote workers when assigning tasks.

“There’s some proximity bias going on,” Nicholas Bloom, an economist at Stanford University and an expert in workplace matters, told the Journal. “I literally call it discrimination.”

Why This Is Happening

Remote workers may experience a lack of visibility and connectivity, which can impact their chances of receiving promotions. This is often referred to as “out of sight, out of mind,” where the employees who are not physically present in the office may be overlooked for career advancement opportunities.

Receiving less mentorship and feedback, compared to their in-person colleagues, can hinder these workers’ professional development and impact their ability to demonstrate their skills and contributions, which are important for promotions.

There is a “proximity bias” at play, where remote workers are disadvantaged due to the relationships and serendipitous interactions that typically occur in the office. Management will question remote workers’ levels of engagement. They may perceive that the people working from home are less connected to the company’s culture, which can influence their promotion decisions.

How To Stand Out

By implementing these strategies, remote workers can effectively demonstrate their value to the company, contribute to the organizational culture and align their efforts with the company’s goals and values.

  • Establish consistent communication and share information, like the status of your projects and assignments, to demonstrate productivity and value.
  • Stay top of mind by overcommunicating to ensure visibility and avoid being out of sight, out of mind. You can achieve this by scheduling one-on-one meetings with your manager.
  • Actively incorporate and uphold company values, even in a remote setting, to demonstrate alignment with the organization’s culture.
  • Master the art of “managing up” by creating value for your boss and company. This entails anticipating your manager’s needs, even in a remote setting.

Source: Forbes

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