

We’re entering a new post-pandemic paradigm. The old-school management style of dictating terms to workers is ending. An ongoing war for talent pushed businesses, such as Target and Walmart, to offer free tuition for their workers. Many companies are providing sizable sign-on bonuses and higher wages to attract and retain people.


The “Great Resignation” is a sort of workers’ revolution and uprising against bad bosses and tone-deaf companies that refuse to pay well and take advantage of their staff. Millions of workers voted with their feet and walked out of their jobs—many without having another position already lined up. They no longer want to feel like victims. The quitters are making a powerful, positive and self-affirming statement saying that they won’t take the abusive behavior any longer.


Dr. Laura Hamill, chief science advisor at Limeade, an immersive employee well-being company with a mission to create healthy employee experiences, said about this trend, “The mass exodus workplaces have experienced over the past several months is unprecedented—burnout levels reached an all-time high. There was a societal breakdown when it came to the ecosystem of work, home and well-being. People reached their limits.”


It’s apropos that World Mental Health Day is on Sunday. We’re starting to see leaders waking up to a new era. They’ve taken notice of the change in attitude. They’ve realized that the jig is up, and they can’t continue doing what they’ve been doing for over 50 years.


They know they must make changes or their best and brightest will leave to a competitor. Whether or not they truly believe it, leadership is now intently focused on expressing empathy to ensure that their staff are not succumbing to burnout or suffering from mental health issues.

Limeade’s mission is to create healthy employee experiences. The software platform helps “millions of users in over 100 countries” with solutions to improve the work-lives of its users and offer solutions to navigate the future of work. “By putting well-being at the heart of the employee experience, [Limeade] reduces burnout and turnover, while increasing well-being and engagement—ultimately, elevating business performance.”


Employees can use the software platform to take an assessment of how they are feeling. Their answers will tell if they show signs of mental health issues, burnout and other factors that may hinder their performance. Limeade’s technology offers recommendations to help individuals improve well-being and find the right company benefits and resources.


True to its goal of helping employees, Limeade conducted a study, the “Great Resignation Update,” to determine why job changers left their previous roles and what attracted them to their new ones. The survey polled 1,000 U.S.-based full-time employees at companies with 500 or more employees about burnout, well-being and organizational care. All respondents started a new job in 2021 and have been there for at least three months.

Here are some highlights of their findings:


  • Forty percent of employees cited burnout as a top reason for leaving.
  • Employees were so dissatisfied with their situation that more than one-quarter (28%) of all respondents left their jobs without another job lined up.
  • Employees were primarily attracted to their current job based on the ability to work remotely (40%) and other forms of flexibility.
  • An additional 24% reported not being restricted to complete job responsibilities during set working hours as a top attraction.
  • Job changers are generally happy they made the switch to a new role.
  • On average, respondents reported a 22% boost in feeling cared for as an individual by their new employer and a 22% improvement in comfort regarding disclosing a mental health condition compared with how they felt at their previous employer.



The five main reasons why employees quit:


  1. Burnout: 40%
  2. Company going through organizational changes: 34%
  3. Lack of flexibility: 20%, Instances of discrimination: 20%, Contributions and ideas not being valued: 20% (three-way tie)
  4. Insufficient benefits: 19%
  5. Well-being not supported by the company: 16%


What the job switcher sought out in a new job:


  1. Ability to work remotely according to personal preference: 40%
  2. Better compensation: 37%
  3. Better management: 31%
  4. Better company reputation: 29%
  5. Better work-life balance: 26%
  6. Flexible work schedule: ​​24%



Hamill offered valuable advice for leadership in light of the results of the study. She advocates for managers to inquire how their staff is doing and “actively listen” to their answers. She wants supervisors to embrace their employees and show them that they care by taking action.


This could be in the form of small surveys to learn what will make them happier and engaged in their jobs. Encourage open and honest conversations between managers and workers. Leaders should “voice that they care for them as human beings.” Caring for and loving people at work shows compassion and helps their wellbeing.


If issues are left unresolved, they fester and may turn good employees into toxic liabilities. Hamill contends that it’s not necessarily the employee who is to blame. While there will always be a bad apple in the bunch, managers must take their share of accountability. “It’s not a personal problem; it’s an organizational problem,” she said.


When bosses don’t clearly flesh out a person’s job requirements, overload them with too much work, unclear about what success in the role looks like, are distrustful, don’t offer meaningful feedback and treat them as merely cogs in the machine, it could lead to laying the groundwork for creating a malcontented, disgruntled employee.


Left unattended, the person suffers from exhaustion, feeling overwhelmed and underappreciated. They feel depleted. Then, you see signs of cynicism. The staffer starts gossiping, talking about the boss behind their back, snaps at co-workers and is rude to customers. It worsens when they’re called into human resources, as they feel persecuted. Their actions become more toxic and contaminates all of the folks around them.


Hamill calls for “normalizing conversations of burnout” and other mental health issues. It’s an “organizational problem and not a personal problem” when the entire staff is disenchanted and disengaged.


World Mental Health Day is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma. This is the perfect time for business leaders to take action and look after their employees. It’s a winning scenario for both workers and management. A happier and appreciative workforce will heighten productivity and increase profits.


Source: Forbes

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